Calculation Manual for
Phase-Equilibrium Engineers and Investigators
manual includes four chapters 1-4 which were presented in MTMSf24 held at
Koriyama, Japan, Aug. 27 – 29, 2024. Chapter 5 is its application which is
still added. This manual, pdf version including figures, is sold at the price
of 3000 JPY from TC Lines JP. A Perl program including k-parameter
tables for predicting the Ái-power functions of critical
ratios is sold (90,000 JPY). I hope that this manual contributes to phase-equilibrium
engineers and investigators.
Satoru Kato
TC Lines JP
Professor, Emeritus,
Tokyo Metropolitan University
(order in this e-mail address)
Aug. 2024, Chino, Japan
Chapter 1. How to Classify
Liquid Mixtures
2. How to Use Critical Ratios (the critical ratio is defined in the World
Patent application, PCT/ JP2012/
Chapter 3. How to Predict Infinite Dilution Activity
Chapter 4. How to Define
Hypothetical Liquids
Chapter 5. Applications
5.1 How
to Calculate Constant Pressure VLE
5.2 How
to Estimate Molecular Disorder and Strength in Liquid Mixtures
5.3 How
to Apply Entropy and Enthalpy Calculations to War Game Performance and
Intermediate-step Chess Game Performance
Chapter 1. How to Classify Liquid
Margules equation can predict the activities of non-azeotropic binary liquid
mixtures, while the van Laar equation covers azeotropic and two-liquid phase
forming mixtures. The remaining problem is the application criteria of the
Wilson equation applying to alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures. The present manual
uses the Wohl equation for establishing the criteria.
Models and Calculation Manual for
Chapter 1
The Margules
equation is used for the activity calculations of binary non-azeotropic
lnÁ1 = x22 [A
+ 2(B – A) x1] (1-1)
= x12 [B + 2(A – B) x2] (1-2)
= lnÁ1 (1-3)
= lnÁ2 (1-4)
Azeotropic and two-liquid
phase forming mixtures.
van Laar equation is used for the activity calculations of binary azeotropic
and two-liquid phase forming mixtures:
= z22 [A + 2(BC-A) z1] (1-5)
lnÁ2 = z12
[B + 2(A/C-B) z2] (1-6)
z1 = Cx1/(Cx1
+ x2) (1-7)
z2 = 1 – z1 (1-8)
= A/B (1-9)
azeotropic mixtures.
Wilson equation is used for the activity calculations of binary
alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures:
lnÁ1 = -ln(x1 + Š12x2)
+ x2[Š12/(x1 + Š12x2)
- Š21/(Š21x1
+ x2)] (1-10)
= -ln(x2 + Š21x1)
– x1[Š12/(x1 + Š12x2)
- Š21/(Š21x1 + x2)] (1-11)
= -ln(Š12) + (1 - Š21) (1-12)
= -ln(Š21) – (Š12 – 1) (1-13)
criteria for the use of the Wilson equation.
mixtures are classified into azeotropic mixtures. However, if the van Laar
equation is used, correlations result in two-liquid phase forming mixtures
(Prausnitz, ref. 1 page 232). Therefore, a criterion is needed for the use of the
Wilson equation. The Wilson equation should be used for alcohol-hydrocarbon
mixtures, if the following relationship is satisfied:
˘ave = (1/100)°|yk,vanLaar
– yk,Wohl| > 0.01 (1-14)
quantity, yk,vanLaar, is calculated using the van Laar equation
at k-th liquid phase mole fraction increasing with 0.01 division from 0
to 1. Furthermore, the quantity, yk,Wohl, is calculated using
the Wohl Equation at the k-th liquid phase mole fraction as follows (K. Wohl, Trans. AIChE 42 (1946) 215 -
249) :
lnÁ1 = z22
[A + 2(BC-A)z1] (1-15)
lnÁ2 = z12
[B + 2(A/C-B)z2] (1-16)
z1 = Cx1/(Cx1
+ x2) (1-17)
z2 = 1 – z1 (1-18)
C = r1/r2 (1-19)
A and B in Equations (1-15) and (1-16) are determined at the
minimized ˘ave value. Meanwhile, the A and B values of
the van Laar equation must represent the experimental VLE data. The Wohl
equation is used in the criterion equation, because it can express the
azeotropic and two-liquid phase forming behavior appearing in xy
relationships, while the Px relation shows non-azeotropic behavior, as
shown in Chapter 4.
Multicomponent activity
The present manual recommends the
multicomponent NRTL equation. The binary NRTL equation satisfactorily predicts
the activity coefficients of non-azeotropic, azeotropic and two-liquid phase forming
mixtures, except for alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures. Determine the binary
parameters of the NRTL equation, in advance, using binary Px or xy
pressure calculations
Vapor pressures are calculated
using the Clapeyron equation. Details are shown in Chapter 3.
temperature binary VLE and LLE data
Constant temperature VLE and LLE
data are cited from ref. 2. Furthermore, constant temperature LLE data are cited
from ref. 3. The vapor-liquid equilibria are expressed as follows;
Pyi = Áixipis
= 1, 2) (1-20)
= Ái(Pa) (Óis/ÓiV) exp[ViL(P-Pa)/RT]
exp[Vi0(P-pis)/RT] (1-21)
Activity coefficient
equations are used in Equation (1-20), assuming that pressure effects cancel
out in Equation (1-21). Parameters A, B and Šij are
optimized using fittings to constant temperature Px data (ref. 2).
Results and Discussion for Chapter 1
xy calculations of non-azeotropic mixtures.
Figure 1-1, y1 is plotted versus x1
for the methanol (1) + water (2) binary at 323.15 [K]. The Margules equation is
used for the calculation of non-azeotropic mixture, in which Px data are
correlated, in advance, for determining optimum A and B
parameters. In Figure 1-1, the determined parameters are used for calculating xy
relationships. Therefore, data scatterings have been removed in Figure 1-1.
Figure 1-1 shows that experimental data are in good agreement with pure
prediction data described in Chapter 3. The mixture properties of the
predicting system are not used in the pure prediction. In Figure 1-2, y1
is plotted versus x1 for the water (1) + n, n-dimethylformamide (2) binary at
373.15 [K]. The Margules equation is used for the calculations of
non-azeotropic mixtures. Other activity coefficient equations, including the
Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC equations, satisfactorily correlate non-azeotropic
mixture data. However, a two-liquid phase forming behavior appears, if the van
Laar equation is used in this case (ref. 2, part 1 page XXXVI).
xy calculations of azeotropic mixtures.
In Figure 1-3,
y1 is plotted versus x1 for the ethanol (1)
+ water (2) binary at 323.15 [K]. The van Laar equation is used for the
calculations of minimum azeotropic mixtures. In Figure 1-4, y1
is plotted versus x1 for the acetone (1) + chloroform (2)
binary at 323.15 [K]. The van Laar equation is used for the calculations of
maximum azeotropic mixtures. Other activity coefficient equations, including
the Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC equations, can calculate the VLE of azeotropic
The calculations of
two-liquid phase forming mixtures.
In Figure 1-5, y1
is plotted versus x1 for the 2-butanone (1) + water (2)
binary at 323.15 [K]. As shown in Figure 1-5, correlations using the van Laar
equation are satisfactory at x1 < x1low
= 0.04. However, correlations are insufficient at x1high ( =
0.726) < x1. The problem occurs, if other activity
coefficient equations, including the NRTL and UNIQUAC equations, are used. The
problem is not solved yet. In Figure 1-6, y1 is
plotted versus x1 for the water (1) + furfural (2)
system at 293.15 [K]. In Figure 1-7, y1 is plotted
versus x1 for the cyclohexane (1) + aniline (2) system
at 298.15 [K]. Figures 1-6 and 1-7 demonstrate that the van Laar equation
satisfactory calculate the xy data of asymmetric binary systems.
Distinction criteria
applying to the Wohl equation.
In Figure 1-8, y1
is plotted versus x1 for the ethanol (1) + 2, 2,
4-trimethylpentane (2) binary at 273.15 [K]. The van Laar equation is used for
the correlation of experimental Px data. However, the correlation
provides a two-liquid phase forming behavior. The best fitting obtained from
the Wohl equation to the xy data calculated using the van Laar equation
provides ˘ave = 0.058, satisfying the criteria, Equation (1-14).
Therefore, the Wilson equation is fitted to the xy data calculated using
the van Laar equation. As shown in Figure 1-8, the agreements between
experimental xy and calculated xy using the Wilson equation are
satisfactory. Other activity coefficient equations, including the Margules, NRTL
and UNIQUAC equations, provide similar two-liquid phase forming behaviors for
alcohol-hydrocarbon binary systems. Equation (1-14) should be used to
alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures, although the Equation satisfies other mixtures,
such as amin + water and acetate + water binaries.
Figure Captions for Chapter
Figure 1-1. Non-azeotropic y1
vs. x1 for the methanol (1) + water (2) system at 323.15 [K]
calculated using the Margules equation, x-axis:
x1, y-axis: y1, () Dul
Itskaya et al. cited from ref. 2, part 1 page 45, ()
Mc Glashan et al. cited from ref. 2, part 1 page 56, (~) Kurihara et al. cited from ref. 2, part 1c
page 77, (yellow solid line) pure prediction shown in Chapter 3.
Figure 1-2. Non-azeotropic y1 vs. x1
for the water (1) + n, n-dimethylformamide (2)
system at 373.15 [K] calculated using the Margules equation, x-axis: x1,
y-axis: y1, () Doering cited from ref. 2, part 1 page
389, (yellow solid line) pure prediction shown in Chapter 3.
Figure 1-3. Minimum azeotropic
y1 vs. x1 for the ethanol (1) + water (2)
system at 323.15 [K] calculated using the van Laar equation, x-axis: x1, y-axis: y1,
() Dul Itskaya et al. cited from ref. 2, part 1 page 161, () Udovenko and Fatkulina cited from ref. 2, part 1
page 191, (~) Chaudhry et al. cited
from ref. 2, part 1a pages 117 and 118, Pomberton and Mash cited from ref. 2,
part 1a page 143, Wilson et al. from ref. 2, part 1a page 155 and Kurihara et
al. from ref. 2, part 1c page 198, (yellow solid line) pure prediction shown in
Chapter 3.
Figure 1-4. Maximum azeotropic y1 vs. x1
for the acetone (1) + chloroform (2) system at 323.15 [K] calculated using the
van Laar equation, x-axis: x1, y-axis: y1,
() Abbott et al. cited from ref. 2, part 3b page 9, ()
Abbott and van Ness from ref. 2, part 3b page 10, (~)
Abbott and van Ness from ref. 2, part 3b page 1, (~) Goral et al. cited
from ref. 2, part 3b pages 17 and 18, Abbott and van Ness from ref. 2, part 3c
page 108, Gorbunov from ref. 2, part 3c page 110, Mueller and Kearns from ref.
2, part 3+4 page 101, Ravincvich and Nikolaev from ref. 2, part 3+4 page 104,
Roeck and Schrceder from ref. 2, part 3+4 page 113 and Schmidt from ref. 2,
part 3+4 page 120, (yellow solid line) pure prediction shown in Chapter 3.
Figure 1-5. two-liquid phase forming y1
vs. x1 for the 2-butanone (1) + water (2) system at 323.15
[K] calculated using the van Laar equation, x-axis:
x1, y-axis: y1, ()
experimental data by Sokolova and Morachevsky cited from ref. 2, part 1b page
208, () correlation of the experimental data using the van Laar equation with A = 3.44 and B =
1.82, (yellow solid line) pure
prediction providing mutual solubilities x1low = 0.04001 and x1high
= 0.7267.
Figure 1-6. Asymmetric two-liquid phase forming y1
vs. x1 for the water (1) + furfural
(2) system at 293.15 [K], x-axis: x1, y-axis: y1,
() Briggs and Comings cited from ref. 3, part 1 page 272, (yellow solid line)
pure prediction
Figure 1-7. Asymmetric two-liquid phase forming y1
vs. x1 for the cyclohexane (1) +
aniline (2) system at 298.15 [K], x-axis: x1,
y-axis: y1, () Buchner and Kleyn cited from ref. 3,
part 1 page 365, (yellow solid line) pure prediction.
Figure 1-8. y1 vs. x1
for the ethanol (1) + 2,2,4-trimethylpentane at 273.15 [K], (Ł)
experimental data by Kretschmer et al. cited from ref. 2, part 2a page 501 ()
correlation fitted to the experimental data using the van Laar equation, (red
solid line) correlation calculated using the Wilson equation, minimizing ˘ave
= 0.058
Conclusion for Chapter 1
Non-azeotropic VLE data are calculated
using the Margules equation, while the van Laar equation should be used for the
VLE calculations of azeotropic and two-liquid phase forming mixtures. Use the
Wilson equation, if Equation (1-14) is satisfied for the alcohol-hydrocarbon
Nomenclature for Chapter 1
A Margules
parameter defined in Equation (1-3)
B Margules
parameter defined in Equation (1-4)
defined in Equation (1-9)
P system
Pa reference
PCi critical
pressure of component i
pis vapor
pressure of component i
R gas
r1 molar
volume of component 1
r2 molar
volume of component 2
T system
ViL partial
molar volume of component i
Vi0 molar
volume of pure liquid i at T
x1 liquid
phase mole fraction of component 1
x2 liquid
phase mole fraction of component 2
x1low, x1high mutual
yi vapor
phase mole fraction of component i
yk k-th
vapor phase mole fraction
z1 modified
mole fraction of component 1 defined in Equation (1-7)
z2 modified
mole fraction of component 2 defined in Equation (1-8)
˘ave average
deviation determined using Equation (1-14)
Ái activity
coefficient of component i
Ái infinite
dilution activity coefficient of component i
Óis fugacity
coefficient of the saturated vapor i at pis
ÓiV vapor
phase fugacity coefficient of component i in the mixture at P
Šij Wilson
parameter defined in Equations (1-10) and (1-11)
(P) reference
pressure at P
Chapter 2. How to Use Critical Ratios
Using binary constant temperature VLE and LLE data, the
present manual shows that infinite dilution activity coefficients are expressed
using power functions of critical ratios.
and Calculation Manual for Chapter 2
Using binary constant temperature VLE and LLE data, Kato showed that
infinite dilution activity coefficients are expressed using critical ratios as
follows (S. Kato, MTMSf24):
= lnaXi + bXilnX (i=1,
2) (2-1)
The parameter, Ái, denotes
the infinite dilution activity coefficient of component i. The critical
ratio, X, is defined as follows:
= (p1s + p2s) / (PC1 + p2s) (2-2)
The quantities, p1s and p2s,
denote the vapor pressures of pure component 1 and 2, respectively, while PC1
denotes the critical pressure of component 1. It should be noted that the value
of X is determined, if temperature, T, and pure substances 1 and
2 are fixed. In VLE analyses, lower boiling point substances are specified as
component 1. Therefore, at critical point of component 1, X = 1 holds.
In many cases, low-boiling point VLE data cover X < 0.2. The utmost
advantage of using Equation (2-1) is that it enables us to purely predict
pre-power constant, aXi, and consonant, bXi.
The details of the pure prediction of aXi and bXi
are shown in Chapter 3.
Constant temperature binary VLE data are cited from ref. 2, in which Px
data are correlated using the Margules and van Laar equations. Furthermore,
mutual solubility data in ref. 3 are used to determine van Laar parameters.
and Discussion for Chapter 2
In Figure
2-1, Á1
and Á2
are plotted versus X for the benzene (1) + heptane (2) binary at
20 [K] < T – 273.15 < 155 [K].
The Margules equation is used for the non-azeotropic mixtures. Figure 2-1 shows
that Á1
and Á2
data are represented using power functions. The power functions are almost
passing through the origin, lnÁi = 0 at lnX = 0,
which characterizes binary hydrocarbon mixtures. In Figure 2-2, Á1
is plotted versus 1/T for the benzene (1) + heptane (2) binary at
20 [K] < T – 273.15 < 155 [K]. Figure 2-2 demonstrates that data
scatterings are the same between Figures 2-1 and 2-2. The utmost disadvantage
of Ái = aeb/T-
type function is that partial molar excess enthalpy and entropy loses
temperature effects. In Figure 2-3. Á1 and Á2
are plotted versus X for the benzene (1) + cyclohexane (2) binary
at 8 [K] < T – 273.15 < 150 [K]. Figure 2-3 shows that correlation
lines are passing through the origin.
In Figures 2-4 and 2-5,
Á1 and Á2
are plotted versus X for the methanol (1) + water (2) and ethanol
(1) + water (2) systems, respectively. Figures 2-4 and 2-5 demonstrate that
data scatterings are not small for alcohol + water mixtures. In Figures 2-6
and 2-7, Á1
and Á2 are plotted versus X
for the acrylonitrile (1) + water (2) and acetaldehyde (1) + water (2)
systems, respectively. Figures 2-6 and 2-7 show that straight lines are
obtained at Ái
>> 1. In Figures 2-8,
2-9 and 2-10, Á1 and Á2
are plotted versus X for the water (1) + n, n-dimethylformamide
(2), water (1) + n, n-dimethylacetamide (2) and acetone (1) + chloroform (2)
systems, respectively. Figures 2-8, 2-9 and 2-10 show that straight lines are
obtained at Ái
1. Figures
2-11 and 2-12 demonstrate that two-liquid phase forming mixtures
and minimum azeotropic mixtures provide straight lines, if lnÁi
is plotted versus lnX.
Figure Captions for Chapter 2
Figure 2-1. Ái
vs. X for the benzene (1) +
heptane (2) binary at 20 [K] < T – 273.15 < 155 [K] calculated using
the Margules equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1
and Á2, () Á1, () Á2, data are cited from ref.
2, part 6b pages 120 – 157, 6c 464 – 472 and 6e 574 – 587.
2-2. Á1 vs. 1/T for the benzene (1) + heptane (2)
binary at 20 [K] < T – 273.15 < 155 [K] calculated using the
Margules equation, x-axis: X,
y-axis: Á1, () Á1, data
are cited from ref. 2, part 6b pages 120 – 157, 6c 464 – 472 and 6e 574 – 587.
2-3. Ái vs. X for the benzene (1) + cyclohexane
(2) binary at 8 [K] < T – 273.15 < 150 [K] calculated using the
van Laar equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 6b pages 204 – 239, 6c 215 – 231 and 6d 250 – 272.
2-4. Ái vs. X for the methanol (1) + water (2)
binary at -10 [K] < T – 273.15 < 115 [K] calculated using the
Margules equation, x-axis: X,
y-axis: Á1 and Á2, () Á1,
() Á2, data are cited
from ref. 2, part 1 pages 38 – 73, 1a 49 – 57, 1b 29 – 33 and 1c 57 – 99.
2-5. Ái vs. X for the ethanol (1) + water (2)
binary at 10 [K] < T – 273.15 < 130 [K] calculated using the van
Laar equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 1 pages 157 – 196, 1a 117 – 155, 1b 83 – 108
and 1c 181 – 253.
Figure 2-6. Two-liquid
phase forming Ái vs. X for the acrylonitrile
(1) + water (2)
binary at 0 [K] < T – 273.15 < 100 [K] calculated using the van
Laar equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 1 pages 38 – 73, 1a 49 – 57, 1b 29 – 33 and 1c
57 – 99.
2-7. Ái vs. X for the acetaldehyde
(1) + water (2) binary at 0 [K] < T – 273.15 < 100 [K]
calculated using the Margules equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 1 pages 83 – 94, 1a 78 – 81, 1b 38 – 40 and 1c
Figure 2-8. Ái
vs. X for the water (1) + n,
n-dimethylformamide (2)
binary at 30 [K] < T – 273.15 < 100 [K] calculated using the
Margules equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1
and Á2, () Á1, () Á2, data are cited from ref.
2, part 1c pages 389 – 401.
Figure 2-9. Ái
vs. X for the water (1) + n,
n-dimethylacetamide (2)
binary at 20 [K] < T – 273.15 < 80 [K] calculated using the
Margules equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 1a pages 319 – 322.
Figure 2-10. Maximum
azeotropic Ái vs. X for the acetone (1) +
chloroform (2) binary at 0 [K] < T – 273.15 < 55 [K] calculated
using the van Laar equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 3b pages 9 – 24, 3c 108 – 113 and 3+4 87 –
2-11. Two-liquid phase forming Ái vs. X for the
2-butanone (P)
+ water (2) binary at 0 [K] < T – 273.15 < 120 [K] calculated
using the van Laar equation, x-axis: X,
y-axis: Á1 and Á2, () Á1,
() Á2, data are cited
from ref. 2, part 1 pages 359, 1a 271, 1b 206 – 210 and ref. 3, part 1 page
2-12. Minimum azeotropic Ái vs. X for the ethanol
+ 2,2,4 -trimethylpentane (2) binary at 0 [K] < T – 273.15 < 76
[K] calculated using the van Laar equation,
x-axis: X, y-axis: Á1 and Á2,
() Á1, () Á2,
data are cited from ref. 2, part 2a pages 501 – 504, 2c 467 and 2h 501.
for Chapter 2
Using constant temperature binary VLE and LLE data,
the present manual demonstrates that the infinite dilution activity
coefficients are expressed with power functions of the critical ratios.
Chapter 3 How
to Predict Infinite Dilution Activity Coefficients
The present manual provides a pure
prediction method for infinite dilution activity coefficients of binary systems,
in which (i) vapor pressures are calculated using the Clapeyron equation, (ii)
experimental infinite dilution activity coefficient data are correlated using
the power functions of critical ratios, (iii) partial molar excess entropy and
enthalpy are calculated from the power functions, (iv) the exponents of the
power function are calculated using the linear approximation of partial molar
excess enthalpy, (v) the universal line for exponents is established, (vi) the
universal line for pre-power constants is presented and finally (vii) a
criterion judging the data quality of infinite dilution activity coefficients
is presented.
and Calculation Manual for Chapter 3
Relationships between temperature
and the infinite dilution activity coefficients
The infinite dilution activity coefficient of component i in a binary
system is related with the critical ratio, X, as follows (S. Kato,
= ln aXi + bXi ln X (i=
1, 2) @ (3-1)
The critical ratio, X, is
defined as follows:
X = (p1s + p2s) /
(PC1+p2s) @ (3-2)
The constants aXi and bXi
are system dependent. It was shown that Equation (3-1) holds at temperatures
covering T < TCi using 2700 binary VLE and LLE
systems (S. Kato, MTMfS24).
Partial molar excess quantity definition
The partial molar excess enthalpy
of component i is defined as follows:
hiE = R[ÝlnÁi/Ý(1/T)] (3-3)
Using Equations
(1) to (3), bXi is related with hiE
as follows:
bXi lnX
= ĆhiE/RT (3-4)
The temperature
parameter, Ć, is defined as follows:
lnX / [ÝlnX /Ý(1/T)] (3-5)
It should be
noted that parameters, Ć and lnX, are temperature dependent. Moreover,
they are pure substance parameters. Meanwhile, partial molar excess entropy is defined
as follows:
lnÁi = hiE
/ RT – siE/R (3-6)
Using Equations
(3-1) to (3-6), the ratio of entropy to enthalpy is expressed as follows:
hiE/RT) = -Ć ln aXi / (bXi
ln X) + ( 1 – Ć) (3-7)
Equations (3-4)
and (3-7) are starting equations for the Ái-pure
prediction. They include two parameters, aXi and bXi,
to be purely predicted.
linear approximation of exponents bX1
and bX2
The present investigation uses the following linear
bXi = c1
hiE/RT + c2Ć+ c3
ln X + c4@ (3-8)
The parameters c1 to c4 are
constants. Each term in the right side of Equation (3-8)
is the consisting quantity of bXi shown in Equation (3-4). Eliminating
hiE/RT from Equations. (3-4) and (3-8), bXi
is given as follows:
ln X+c4)/(1-c1 ln X/Ć) @(i = 1, 2) @@@@(3-9)
In the pure
prediction process, first, the T, Ć and lnX values of a Á1-predicting
binary system are determined. Using data fitting, it is possible to regress the
c1 to c4 constants to the experimental bX1,
h1E/RT, Ć and lnX values of the Á1-predicting
binary system. Constants c1 to c4 for the
second component are similarly determined using experimental bX2,
h2E/RT, Ć and lnX values. Moreover,
the c- parameters in Equation (3-8) must satisfy the following
ÝbXi/ÝT = 0 (3-10)
Meanwhile, the
parameter c1 is a linear function of 1/(hiE/RT).
Furthermore, constants, c2 to c4, linearly increase
with increasing hiE/RT as follows:
c1 = k11/(hiE/RT)+k21 (3-11)
c2 = k21hiE/RT+k22 (3-12)
c3 = k31hiE/RT+k32 (3-13)
c4 = k41hiE/RT+k42 (3-14)
Parameters kij
denote constants. In addition, k-values are determined using the
following quadratic function, if binaries are chosen form the 2700 systems, in
which their Ć values are close to that value of Ái-predicting
kij = l (lnX)2 + m lnX
+ n (i
= 1, 2, 3, 4, j=1, 2) (3-15)
The parameters l,
m and n are constants. For the use of pure prediction, the kij
values must be tabulated, in advance, in a k-value parameter table for bX1.
The k-value parameter table, supplied from the TC Lines JP, includes
2700 binary systems, in which each system has kij values
determined using parameter fittings to bX1 experimental
values. Empirically, experimental bXi values are related with
prediction values, bXi,pre, as follows:
bxi,pre = żbXi + Ŕ (i= 1, 2) (3-16)
Parameters, ż
and Ŕ are universal constants. Their values are empirically determined using
experimental bXi values and predicted bXi,pre
values. It should be stressed that pure prediction is possible, because the
constants are universal. Two components must have the same universal constants.
pure prediction of bX1
and bX2
The pure prediction of bX1
consists of following steps: (i) fix the system temperature, T, and a
binary system forming a Ái-predicting system, (ii)
calculate Ć using Equation (3-5) and lnX using Equation (3-2). (iii)
determine constants l, m and n in Equation (3-15) using
data regression to kij obtained from the k-value
parameter table for bX1. Binaries are arbitrarily chosen from
the table including 2700 systems, if they have Ć values close to that of the Ái-predicting
system, (iv) assume a bX1 value, (v) determine h1E/RT
value using Equation (3-4), (vi) determine c1 to c4
values using Equations (3-11) to (3-14), (vii) calculate bX1,pre
value using Equation (3-9), (viii) calculate bX1 using
Equation (3-16), finally, (ix) repeat the trial-and-error process between (iv)
and (viii) steps until the same value of bX1 is obtained. The
same procedure is applied to determine bX2 value using a k-value
parameter table for bX2, separately determined. The
calculation process is pure prediction, because the experimental values of bX1
and bX2 are not used in the calculation procedures.
linear approximation of pre-power constants aX1 and aX2
Following the linear approximation
used for the bXi exponent, the present investigation assumes
the pre-power constant, aXi, as follows:
lnaXi /bXi= d1
[(siE/R)/( hiE/RT)]+
d2Ć+ d3lnX + d4 (i=1,
The parameters d1, d2 d3
and d4 denote constants. Each term in the right side of
Equation (17) is the consisting quantity of aXi shown in
Equation (3-7). Eliminating T siE/ hiE
in Equations (3-7) and (3-17), aXi is given as follows:
lnaXi,pre /bXi =
[d1(1-Ć) + d2Ć+ d3lnX
+ d4]/(1+d1Ć/lnX) (i = 1, 2) (3-18)
Similarly to bXi cases, parameters
d1 to d4 are linear function of T siE/hiE
as follows:
d1 = k11/( T siE/hiE)+k21 @@@@@ (3-19)
d2 = k21 T siE/hiE
+k22 (3-20)
d3 = k31 T siE/hiE+k32 (3-21)
d4 = k41 T siE/hiE+k42 (3-22)
The same
relationships, Equations (3-15) and (3-16), are applied to this case.
pure prediction of aX1
and aX2
The same procedure determining bX1
and bX2 are applied to the cases of lnaX1/bX1
and lnaX2/bX2. It should be noted that bX1
and bX2 are predetermined without using aX1
and aX2. The Marquardt method is used for
the optimization of parameters c1 to c4 and d1 to d4.
Calculations are performed using programing codes written in Perl, an
interpreter language.
Data Sources
Vapor pressures are calculated using the
Clapeyron equation as follows:
= PCiexp(CClap1TClap3
+ CClap2TClap2 + CClap3TClap) (3-23)
= 1 – 1/Tri (3-24)
Clapeyron temperature, TClap,
is advantageous, because it allows to define hypothetical liquids (S. Kato,
AIChE J. 51 (2005) 3275-3285). Vapor pressure data are cited from ref. 5
which uses the Wagner equation covering temperatures T < TCi.
Furthermore, the Antoine equations are cited from ref. 2 and ref. 3.
temperature binary VLE and LLE data
Constant temperature VLE and LLE
data are cited from ref. 2. Furthermore, constant temperature LLE data are
cited from ref. 3. They include a total number of 2700 binary systems. Each
binary system includes three or more datasets at different temperatures.
Infinite dilution activity coefficients are calculated as follows: the Margules
equation is used for non-azeotropic mixtures, because Margules parameters are
reported in ref. 2. The van Laar equation is used for azeotropic and two-liquid
phase forming mixtures with the parameters reported in ref. 2. For LLE data,
van Laar parameters are determined using LLE data reported in ref. 3.
Meanwhile, the Wilson equation is used for alcohol-hydrocarbon mixtures along
with the distinction criteria identified in Chapter 1, in which the Wohl
equation is used.
Results and
Discussion for Chapter 3
pressures calculated using the Clapeyron equation
In Figure
3-1, Pri is
plotted vs. TClap for ethanol at temperatures 20 [K] < T
– 273.15 < 120 [K]. Figure 3-1 shows that the Clapeyron equation
satisfactorily correlates vapor pressures calculated using the Wagner equation.
Furthermore, Figure 3-1 demonstrates that reduced pressure almost linearly
increases with increasing Clapeyron temperature, passing through the origin.
dilution activity coefficients correlated using the power function of critical
In Figure
3-2a, Á1
and Á2 are plotted vs. X for the benzene (1) +
heptane (2) binary. In Figure 3-2a, bold solid lines represent power function
correlations. Figure 3-2a demonstrates that power function correlations are
satisfactory. In Figure
3-2b, Á1
and Á2 are plotted vs. 1/T for the benzene (1) +
heptane (2) binary. Figures 3-2a and 3-2b show that correlation errors are the
same. Furthermore, Figure 3-2a includes dotted lines, representing power
functions satisfying ideal solution behavior at the critical temperature of
benzene. Figure 3-2a shows that, for hydrocarbon mixtures, power function
correlations satisfying ideal solution approximation at the critical
temperature of lower-boiling point substance are acceptable.
values of partial molar excess enthalpy and entropy at infinite dilution
It is partial molar excess quantities that provide
pure prediction methods for infinite dilution activity coefficients. In Figure 3-3a, h1E/R and h2E/R
are plotted vs. X for the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary at temperatures
10 [K] < T - 273.15 < 200 [K]. Figure 3-3a shows that partial
molar excess enthalpies calculated using Equations (1), (2) and (3) vary with
increasing temperature. The constants, aXi and bXi,
are correlated using Ái values calculated from the van Laar equation,
because the ethanol + water binary is classified into an azeotropic mixture. In
Figure 3-3b, s1E/R and s2E/R
are plotted vs. X for the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary at temperatures
10 [K] < T - 273.15 < 200 [K]. Figure 3-3b shows that partial
molar excess entropies calculated using Equations (3-1), (3-2), (3-3) and (3-6)
vary with increasing temperature. It should be noted that enthalpies and
entropies are constant, if Ái= a exp(b/T)-type
temperature effects are used.
compensation rule
The pure prediction of infinite
dilution activity coefficients uses partial molar excess entropy-enthalpy
compensation rule. In Figure
3-4, s1E/R
and s2E/R are plotted vs. h1E/RT
and h2E/RT at temperatures 40 [K] < T
- 273.15 < 120 [K]. Figure 3-4 shows that partial molar excess
entropy-enthalpy compensation rule almost holds for the hexane (1) + heptane
(2) binary, because correlation lines are passing through the origin. However,
the methanol (1) + water (2) binary is remote from the compensation rule,
because correlation lines deviate from the origin. Of the 2700 binaries
compiled in ref. 2 and ref. 3, a very limited number of binaries satisfies the
partial molar excess entropy-enthalpy compensation rule. Figure 3-4
demonstrates that partial molar excess entropy-enthalpy compensation rule
cannot be a universal relationship.
preparation of k-value parameter table for bX1, bX2, aX1
and aX2
To demonstrate the preparation
procedure of the k-value parameter table for bX1, the
ethanol (1) + water (2) binary is selected as a Ái-predicting
binary system. First, system temperature is fixed at 274.15 [K]. The values of
Ć from Equation (3-5) and lnX from Equation (3-2) are 0.3798 and -7.943,
respectively. Next, using data regression, c1 to c4
constants are determined from Equation (3-8), in which bX1 =
0.0726, h1E/RT = -1.519, Ć = 0.3798 and lnX
= -7.934 of the Ái-predicting binary system are used.
Determined constants are listed in Table
3-1. In the calculation, the
experimental value of bX1 from Equation (3-1) is determined
from lnÁ1 vs. lnX plot using experimental data
cited from ref. 2. The van Laar equation is used in this case, because the
ethanol + water system is classified into an azeotropic mixture at 274.15 K.
The value of h1E/RT is calculated using
Equation (3-3) or Equation (3-4). Next, a Â-closest binary is selected using
the following filter, Â:
|(Ćk – Ćpre)/ Ćpre| <
- lnXpre)/lnXpre| < Â (3-26)
The suffix k
denotes k-th binary selected from the 2700 aXi, bXi-registered
binary systems. The suffix pre denotes Ái-predicting
binary, the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary in this case. In the case of ethanol
(1) + water (2) binary, the Â-closest binary was the ethanol (1) +
1-propanol (2) system at the smallest  (=
0.013). That means two binaries, Ái-predicting binary
and Â-closest binary, are selected satisfying Â
0.013. In the next step, c1 to c4
constants of the Â-closest binary are determined using bX1, h1E
values of the Â-closest binary system. These values are included in Table 3-1
with the determined c1 to c4 values.
Finally, using Equations (3-11) to (3-14), kij values are
determined by solving simultaneous two linear equations including ci
(i = 1, 4) values and hiE
values of the Ái-predicting binary and Â-closest binary.
Determined kij values of the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary
are listed in Table 3-1. The procedures are repeated at temperatures covering 1
T – 273.15
Tmax, in which Tmax
denotes the maximum temperature providing the existence of two binaries, Ái-predicting
binary and Â-closest binary. The value of Tmax was 45 +
273.15 [K] for the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary. In this temperature range, bX1,pre
is constant. Preparation procedures for bX2, aX1
and aX2 are the same with that of bX1.
determination of universal lines
In Figure
3-5, k11 is
plotted versus lnX at 274.15 [K] using 75 binary systems satisfying |(Ćk – Ćpre)/ Ćpre| <
0.05 at Ćpre= 0.3798 for the ethanol (1) + water (2) Ái-predicting
binary. Figure 3-5 shows that data are very scattering. The other kij
values show similar scattering. However, the following modifications on k21
and k22 greatly improve the convergence of the universal
lines, that is, Equation (3-16):
= (Ć/lnX - k12 – k31lnX - k41)/Ć (3-27)
= -(k11 + k32lnX + k42)/Ć (3-28)
(3-27) is obtained from the equality in the coefficients of hiE,
Ć/lnX = k12 + k21Ć + k31lnX
+ k41. Furthermore, Equation (3-28) arises from the
intercepts, k11 + k22Ć + k32lnX
+ k42 = 0. In Table 3-2, to establish the universal lines, 25 binaries are
selected, because they have a large number of VLE and LLE datasets. In Figure 3-6, using binaries shown in Table 3-2, bX1pre
is plotted versus experimental bX1. The following converged
universal line is established:
= bXi (i=1, 2) (3-29)
The same
converged line is obtained between bX2pre and bX2
as shown in Figure 3-6. In Figures 3-7, experimental bX1 and bX2
are directly compared with predicted values using the universal line, Equation
(3-29). The pure prediction is satisfactory, because prediction errors are less
than 1 % at |bXi| > 0.2.
A similar calculation process is
applied to lnaXi/bXi. In Figure 3-8, the following universal line for lnaXi/bXi
is shown:
= (lnaXi/bXi) (i=1, 2) (3-30)
The values of kij
are scattering again in this case. However, the following modifications on k21
and k22 greatly improve the universal line:
= - (lnX/Ć+ k12 + k31lnX + k41)/Ć (3-31)
= (1-Ć)lnX/Ć- k11 – k32lnX – k42)/Ć (3-32)
Equation (3-31)
is obtained from the equality in the coefficients of TsiE/hiE,
-lnX/Ć= k12 + k21Ć + k31lnX
+ k41. Furthermore, Equation (3-32) arises from the
intercepts, k11 + k22Ć + k32lnX
+ k42 = (1 -Ć)lnX/Ć. In Figure
3-9, experimental aX1
and aX2 are directly compared with the values predicted using
the universal line, Equation (3-30), and the modifications, Equations (3-31)
and (3-32). The pure prediction is satisfactory, because prediction errors are
less than 1 %.
establishment of VLE and LLE data quality tests
Using the pure prediction
procedures of aXi and bXi (i= 1, 2), Ái
is calculated from Equation (3-1). In
Figure 3-10, experimental Ái
is directly compared with predicted for the 25 binaries shown in Table 3-2 at
274.15 [K]. The agreement between the two is encouraging. Pure predictions
often provide data quality judgement criteria. Therefore, the Ái-pure
prediction procedure is applied to 100 binaries selected from the 2700 binary
systems including 25 binaries in Table 3-2. A criterion, }30 %, was obtained,
because experimental@Ái values are identical with
predicted Ái values within the criterion which satisfies
the statistical }95 % data reliability limit. Finally, the present
investigation proposes the following criteria for the VLE and LLE data quality
- Áipre)/ Áiexp|
< 0.3 (i=1,2) (3-33)
Suffix exp
denotes experimental data. Suffix pre denotes predicted data. Applying Equation
(3-33) to the 25 binary systems in Table 3-2, the tetrachloromethane
+ benzene binary provided the nonreliable values of both Á1 and Á2.
Figure Captions for Chapter 3
Figure 3-1.
The vapor pressures of ethanol at 10 [K] < T – 273.15< 120 [K], x-axis: TClap (=1-1/Tri), y-axis: Pri (=pis/PCi), () calculated from the Wagner equation using
parameters cited from ref. 4, (|) correlated using the Clapeyron equation.
Figure 3-2a.
Ái vs. X for the benzene (1) + heptane (2)
binary, x-axis:
X, y-axis:
Á1 and Á2, () benzene, (Ą)
heptane, (|) power function correlations, (. . .) power
function correlations with ideal solutions at X = 1, Á1
and Á2are calculated using the Margules equation fitted
to the constant temperature VLE data cited from ref. 2, part 6b 120-157, part
6c 464-472 and part 6e 574-587.
Figure 3-2b.
Ái vs. 1/T for the benzene (1) + heptane (2)
binary, x-axis: 1/T, y-axis:
Á1 and Á2, () benzene, (Ł)
heptane, (|) exponential function correlations, Á1
and Á2 are calculated using the Margules equation fitted
to the constant temperature VLE data cited from ref. 2, part 6b 120-157, part
6c 464-472 and part 6e 574-587.
Figure 3-3a. hiE/R
vs. X for the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary at 10 [K] < T -
273.15 < 200 [K], x-axis: X, y-axis:
and h2E/R [K]. ()
ethanol, (Ł) water, Equations (3-1), (3-2) and (3-3)
are used with aX1 = 7.21, bX1 = 0.0726, aX2
= 2.25, bX2 = -0.0248, Á1 and Á2
data are calculated using the van Laar equation fitted to the constant
temperature VLE data cited from ref. 2, part 1 150-196, part 1a 116-155, part
1b 83-111 and part 1c 176-253.
Figure 3-3b. siE/R
vs. X for the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary at 10 [K] < T -
273.15 < 200 [K], x-axis: X, y-axis:
and s2E/R. ()
ethanol, (Ł) water, Equations (3-1), (3-2), (3-3)
and (3-6) are used with aX1 = 7.21, bX1 =
0.0726, aX2 = 2.25, bX2 = -0.0248, Á1
and Á2 data are calculated using the van Laar equation
fitted to the constant temperature VLE data cited from ref. 2, part 1 150-196,
part 1a 116-155, part 1b 83-111 and part 1c 176-253.
Figure 3-4.
siE/R vs. hiE/RT
at 40 [K] < T - 273.15 < 120 [K], x-axis:
h1E/RT and h2E/RT, y-axis: s1E/R and s2E/R, (♦) s1E/R vs. h1E/RT
for the hexane (1) + heptane (2) binary, (Ą)
s2E/R vs. h2E/RT
for the hexane (1) + heptane (2) binary, (Ł)
s1E/R vs h1E/RT
for the methanol (1) + water (2) binary and (~)
s2E/R vs h2E/RT
for the methanol (1) + water (2) binary, Á1 and Á2
data are calculated using the Margules equation cited from ref. 2.
Table 3-1.
The values of kij for the ethanol (1) + water (2) system at
274.15 [K].
@ |
binary system |
Â-closest binary
system |
@ |
ethanol (1) + water
(2) |
ethanol (1) +
1-propanol (2) |
Ć |
0.3798 |
0.3751 |
lnX |
-7.943 |
-8.024 |
bX1 |
0.0726 |
0.1143 |
h1E/RT |
-1.519 |
-2.445 |
c1 |
0.70488 |
0.70488 |
c2 |
2.92333 |
2.9233 |
c3 |
0.01008 |
0.01008 |
c4 |
0.82153 |
0.82152 |
k11 |
0.0744 |
k21 |
-0.7225 |
k31 |
0.0323 |
k41 |
-0.2646 |
k12 |
0.7353 |
k22 |
1.1570 |
k32 |
0.0891 |
k42 |
0.1744 |
@ |
Figure 3-5.
lnX vs. k11 for the binaries satisfying |(Ćk
– Ćpre)/ Ćpre| < 0.05 with Ćpre = 0.3798
for the ethanol (1) + water (2) binary at T = 274.15 [K], x-axis:
lnX, y-axis:
k11, () k11, (|) correlation using Equation (3-15).
3-2. 25 binary systems used for the establishment of the universal lines.
Nt |
NP |
NT |
first comp.
(1) + second comp. (2) |
148 |
70 |
78 |
ethanol +
water |
107 |
34 |
73 |
water +
acetic acid |
93 |
43 |
50 |
methanol +
water |
74 |
52 |
22 |
benzene +
cyclohexane |
74 |
40 |
34 |
benzene +
ethanol |
68 |
34 |
34 |
acetone + water |
66 |
37 |
29 |
methanol +
benzene |
64 |
48 |
16 |
+ benzene |
62 |
31 |
31 |
benzene +
heptane |
59 |
40 |
19 |
acetone +
chloroform |
58 |
30 |
28 |
acetone +
methanol |
55 |
17 |
38 |
2-propanol +
water |
48 |
23 |
25 |
1-propanol +
water |
45 |
36 |
9 |
1,4-dioxane +
water |
44 |
10 |
34 |
formic acid +
water |
42 |
28 |
14 |
acetone +
benzene |
41 |
17 |
24 |
heptane +
toluene |
41 |
26 |
15 |
benzene +
1-propanol |
40 |
38 |
2 |
methanol +
cyclohexane |
39 |
18 |
21 |
water +
1-butanol |
38 |
19 |
19 |
+ water |
36 |
25 |
11 |
ethanol +
heptane |
35 |
17 |
18 |
ethyl acetate
+ ethanol |
35 |
19 |
16 |
tert-butyl ether + methanol |
35 |
16 |
19 |
2-butanone +
watr |
Nt: total
number of VLE and LLE datasets in ref. 2 and 3 NP: number of
constant pressure datasets |
NT: number of
constant temperature datasets |
Figure 3-6.
The universal line for bX1 and bX2 obtained
using 25 binaries listed in Table 2, x-axis: bX1 and bX2, y-axis: bX1pre and bX2pre, () bX1pre calculated using
Equations (3-9) and (3-11) to (3-15), (|) the universal line for bXi: bXipre
= bXi, () bX2pre.
Figure 3-7.
Comparison between experimental bXi and predicted bXipre
calculated using the universal line, Equation (3-29), for the 25 binaries
included in Table 2, x-axis:
|bXi|, y-axis:
|bXipre|, () |bX1|
vs. |bX1pre|, () |bX2|
vs. |bX2pre| and (yellow solid line) diagonal line.
Figure 3-8.
The universal line for lnaX1/bX1 and lnaX2/bX2
obtained using 25 binaries listed in Table 3-2, x-axis: lnaX1/bX1
and lnaX2/bX2, y-axis: lnaX1pre/bX1
and lnaX2pre/bX2, () lnaX1pre/bX1
calculated using Equations (3-18) to (3-22), (3-31) and (3-32), (|) the
universal line for lnaXi/bXi: lnaXipre/bXi
= lnaXi/bXi, ()
Figure 3-9.
Comparison between experimental aXi and predicted aXipre
calculated using the universal line, Equation (3-30), for the 25 binaries
included in Table 3-2, x-axis:
aXi, y-axis:
aXipre, () aX1
vs. aX1pre, () aX2
vs. aX2pre and (yellow solid line) diagonal line.
Figure 3-10.
Establishment of VLE and LLE data quality judgement criteria calculated using
the 25 binary systems shown in Table 3-2 at 274.15 [K]. x-axis: experimental
Ái, y-axis
predicted using pure prediction method for aXi and bXi, () Á1,
() Á2, (yellow solid
line) diagonal line, (blue solid line) +30% reliability line, (purple solid
line) -30% reliability line.
for Chapter 3
The present manual provides a pure prediction method for Ái
values. Furthermore, a criterion for data quality judgement, Equation (3-33),
has been established.
for Chapter 3
aXi pre-power
function constant for component i defined in Eq. (3-1)
bXi exponent
of power function for component i defined in Eq. (3-1)
CClap1, CClap2, CClap3 constants defined in the Clapeyron Eq. (3-12)
c1, c2, c3, c4 constants
defined in Eq. (3-8)
d1, d2, d3, d4 constants
defined in Eq. (3-10)
hiE partial
molar excess enthalpy of component i at infinite dilution
PCi critical
pressure of component i
PC1 critical
pressure of component 1
pis vapor
pressure of component i
Pri reduced
pressure of component i
p1s vapor
pressure of component 1
p2s vapor
pressure of component 2
R gas
siE partial
molar excess entropy of component i at infinite dilution
T system
TCi critical
temperature of component i
TClap Clapeyron
temperature defined in Eq. (3-13)
Tri reduced
temperature (= T/TCi) of component i
X critical
ratio defined in Eq. (3-2)
Ái infinite
dilution activity coefficient of component i
Ć temperature
parameter defined in Eq. (3-5)
Chapter 4@How to
Define Hypothetical Liquids
Liquids and vapor-liquid
equilibria (VLE) exist at the temperature TC1
T. The Equation-of-states approaches have
been commonly used for the analyses of high-pressure VLE. However, a very
limited number of investigations tried to apply thermodynamics to binary VLE
analyses at temperatures, TC1
T < TC2, because
hypothetical liquids are needed above the critical temperature of lower
boiling-point substances. The reduced temperature of the component i,
ln(pis/PCi), is proportional to the
Clapeyron temperature factor, 1-1/Tri, at the temperature
range, 0.7TCi < T < TCi.
Therefore, it is natural to extend the proportionality to the temperature range
TCi < T, which defines the stable vapor pressure
values of the hypothetical liquids of pure substance i. It is rational
to apply the Wohl activity coefficient equation to the high-pressure VLE
analyses, because the Wohl equation most rigidly satisfy the Gibbs-Duhem
equation (S. Kato, Fluid Phase Equilib. 297 (2010) 192 - 199).
The present manual clarifies that
high-pressure binary Px and xy VLE data can be satisfactorily
correlated using the three parameter Wohl equation and hypothetical liquids.
Models and Calculation Manual for Chapter 4
The activity coefficient model
Using activity coefficients, the phase
equilibria are described as follows (ref. 5, R. C. Reid, J. M. Prausnitz, B. E.
Poling, The Properties of Gases and Liquid 1987 Chap. 8 MacGraw-Hill):
Pyi = Áixipis
= 1, 2)
Ái = Ái(Pa)
(Óis/ÓiV) exp[ViL(P-Pa)/RT]
Even at
the high-pressure VLE, the present investigation assumes that the pressure
effects on fugacity coefficients cancel out. Therefore, using the Wohl equation
(K. Wohl, Trans. AIChE 42 (1946) 215 - 249), the activity coefficients are
given as follows:
lnÁ1 = Ć22
[A + 2(BC-A)Ć1]
lnÁ2 = Ć12
[B + 2(A/C-B)Ć2]
Ć1 = Cx1/(Cx1
+ x2) (4-5)
Ć2 = 1 – Ć1
parameters A, B and C are system dependent. Their values
are constant at 0 < x1 < 1. The Wohl equation
originally uses molar volume ratios as the values of C.
Model parameter determination
The system pressure is calculated using
Equations (4-1), (4-3) and (4-4) as follows:
P = Á1x1p1s
+ Á2x2p2s (4-7)
The parameter values of A, B
and C are determined using the following objective function:
– P)/Pk,exp| (4-8)
index k varies from 1 to n. Using constant temperature Px
data, A, B and C values minimizing the objective function,
OFP, are determined. Meanwhile, the vapor phase mole fraction
of component 1 is given as follows:
y1 = Á1x1p1s/P (4-9)
A different set of A, B and C
is determined using the following objective function:
OFy = (1/n) | (y1k,exp
– y1)/y1k,exp | (4-10)
Marquardt method is used for the determination of parameters A, B
and C. Calculations are performed using programs written in Perl, an
interpreter language.
Hypothetical liquid definition
Following the Clapeyron plots proposed by
Kato (S. Kato, AIChE J. 51 (2005) 3275-3285), the vapor pressure of the
hypothetical liquid is calculated as follows:
= h(1-1/Tri) (4-11)
constant, h, is determined from the linear plot, ln(pis/PCi)
vs. (1-1/Tri), passing through the origin. Using the vapor
pressure data covering 0.7TCi < T < TCi,
the proportionality line is extended to T > Tci,
which defines vapor pressure values of the hypothetical liquids.
Data Sources
Vapor pressures
Vapor pressure values were calculated using
the Wagner equation. Wagner parameters are compiled in the literature5
High-pressure VLE data
High-pressure VLE data are cited
from Knappfs datasets4 compiled in Dechema Chemistry Data Series.
Results and Discussion for Chapter 4
The vapor pressure of hypothetical liquid
In Figure 4-1, ln(pis/PCi)
is plotted vs. 1-1/Tri for four substances at temperatures
covering 0.7TCi < T < TCi.
Figure 4-1 demonstrates that vapor pressure values can be satisfactorily
correlated with straight lines passing through the origin. Therefore, the
straight lines are extended above critical to determine h values of
hypothetical liquids. In Table 4-1, h values determined from Eq.
(4-11) are listed. It should be noted that the h values of hydrocarbons
are close to six.
The correlation of high-pressure Px and xy
In Figure 4-2a, experimental Px and Py data are plotted vs. x1
and y1, respectively, for the helium-4 + nitrogen binary at
121.74 K. Figure 4-2a includes a correlated line
determined by minimizing OFP values. The minimized value,
that is, the average relative deviations defined in Equation (4-12) is 0.28 %
for the Px correlation.
(1/n)°|(Pk,exp – P)/Pk,exp|min (4-12)
In Figure
4-2b, experimental y1 data are plotted vs. x1
for the helium-4 + nitrogen binary at 121.74 K. Figure 4-2b includes a
correlated line determined by minimizing OFy values. The
minimized value, that is, the average relative deviations defined in Equation (4-13)
is 0.27 % for the xy correlation.
(ARD )y= (1/n)°|(y1k,exp
– y1)/y1k,exp|min (4-13)
Figure 4-2b
shows a phase-splitting trend appearing in the liquid phase, because y1
has the maximum value. The three parameter Wohl equation provides better
correlation results than two parameter equations including the Margules, van
Laar, Wilson, NRTL and UNIQUAC equations. Figures 4-2a and 4-2b show that the
hypothetical liquid correlations using the three parameter Wohl equations are
In Figure 4-3, the values of A
are plotted vs. critical ratios, X, defined as follows:
X = (p1s + p2s)/(PC1
+ p2s) (4-14)
shown in Equations (4-3) and (4-4), A and B are respectively
related with infinite dilution activity coefficients as follows:
A = lnÁ1 (4-15)
B = lnÁ2 (4-16)
low and near critical temperature VLE and LLE data, Kato (S. Kato, MTMS24)
demonstrated that infinite dilution activity coefficients are expressed using
the power function of X at X 1. Similarly to low-boiling point VLE,
Figure 4-3 demonstrates that the hypothetical liquids and Px data
provide the power function of X. Moreover, Figure 4-3 shows that A
values determined from xy data converge to a smooth line. Therefore,
hypothetical liquids and the Wohl equation are advantages, because i) the
satisfactory correlations of Px and xy data over critical are obtained,
further, ii) A-parameter prediction using the line shown in Figure 4-3
is possible. The A-parameter increases with increasing X.
However, the increasing trends appearing in helium-4 hypothetical liquids do
not appear in the other hypothetical liquids.
In Figure 4-4, A/B is
plotted vs. C for the helium-4 + component 2 system including nitrogen
and carbon monoxide as a component 2 at 77 K < T < 122 K. Figure 4-4
shows that C = A/B holds for the xy data. As shown
in Equations (4-3) and (4-4), the Wohl equation is identical with the van Laar
equation, if C = A/B holds. Using low-pressure VLE and LLE data, it
is shown in Chapter 1 that the van Laar equation represents azeotropic or
two-liquid phase forming behavior. Therefore, Figure 4-4 demonstrates that the xy
data reflect azeotropic or two-liquid forming behavior represented by the van
Laar equation. If C = 1 holds, the Wohl equation is identical with the
Margules equation. However, the parameter C widely varies from -4 to 4 as
shown in Figure 4-4.
In Figure 4-5, experimental
Px and Py data are plotted vs. x1 and y1,
respectively, for the hydrogen + methane binary at 144.26 K. Figure 4-5 shows
that correlations are satisfactory. In Figure 4-6, A values are
plotted vs. X for the hydrogen + component 2 system including nitrogen
and methane as a component 2 at 77 K < T < 174 K. Figure 4-6 shows
that the increasing trends of A values are very clear. In Figure 4-7,
A/B is plotted vs. C for the hydrogen + component 2 including
nitrogen and methane at 77 K < T < 174 K. Figure 4-7 demonstrates
that the van Laar equation represents the Px data, because C = A/B
holds. Meanwhile, the xy data reflect different factors, because A/B
values deviate from the line representing C = A/B.
In Figure 4-8, experimental
Px and Py data are plotted vs. x1 and y1,
respectively, for the carbon dioxide + propane binary at 277.59 K. Figure 4-8
shows that Px and Py correlations fairly well represent the beak
behavior appearing near x1 = 1. Weighing objective functions
may improve the correlations. In Figure 4-9a, A is plotted vs. X
for the carbon dioxide + propane binary at 244. K < T < 345 K.
Figure 4-9a demonstrates that, at X = 1, the A values are
continuous at the critical point of lower-boiling point substance, carbon
dioxide, which means that the two assumptions, Equation (4-2) and hypothetical
liquids, are rational and convenient. In Figure 4-9b, B is
plotted vs. X for the carbon dioxide + propane binary at 244. K < T
< 345 K. Figure 4-9b shows that the decreases in B (= lnÁ2)
at X > 1 are striking, which means that the hypothetical liquid
component, carbon dioxide, controls the total pressure satisfying P ŕ Á1x1p1s.
In Figure 4-9c, C is plotted vs. X for the carbon dioxide +
propane binary at 244. K < T < 345 K. Figure 4-9c shows that B
and C have similar trends. In Figure 4-10, A/B is
plotted vs. C for the carbon dioxide + propane binary at 244. K < T
< 345 K. Figure 4-10 shows that C = A/B holds for the Px
data at the limited range, C > 0.4, where xy data are not
found in the literature. Both Px and xy data deviate from the C
= A/B line at C < 0.4.
In Figure 4-11, A is
plotted vs. X for the 25 lower-boiling point substances using Px
data. Table 4-2 lists the 25 binaries. Figure 4-11 shows that, at X
> 1, A decreases with increasing X. It is important to note
that, at X = 1, the hypothetical liquids behave as ideal solutions,
because the values of A (= lnÁ1) are close to
Figure Captions for Chapter 4
Figure 4-1.
vapor pressures calculated from the Wagner equation between 0.7 < Tri
< 1, x-axis: 1-1/Tri,
y-axis: ln(pis/PCi), () helium-4, () hydrogen, ()
nitrogen, () carbon dioxide, (----) linear correlations passing through the
Table 4-1. The values of h for seven
Substance |
h |
Helium-4 |
3.39 |
Hydrogen |
4.35 |
Nitrogen |
5.60 |
Dioxide |
6.56 |
Methane |
5.48 |
Ethane |
5.92 |
Propane |
6.20 |
Figure 4-2a. Pxy relationships for the helium-4 + nitrogen binary at
121.74 K;
x-axis: x1
and y1, y-axis:
P [bar], ()
experimental Px data, (|)
correlated Px data with A=2.24, B=-12.3 and C=-0.318,
() experimental Py
data, (|)
correlated Py data with A=1.32, B=-18.2 and C=0.221;
data are cited from ref. 4, page 199.
Figure 4-2b.
xy relationships for the helium-4 + nitrogen binary at 121.74 K; x-axis: x1,
y-axis: y1, () experimental data cited from ref. 4, (|) correlated line with A=1.32, B=-18.2
and C=0.221.
Figure 4-3. Relationships between X
and A calculated for the helium-4 + nitrogen binary at 77 K < T
< 122 K, x-axis: X, y-axis:
A, ()
determined from Px data, (---) a power function correlating A values from Px
data, () determined
from xy data.
Figure 4-4.
Relationships between C and A/B calculated for the
helium-4 + component 2 including nitrogen and carbon monoxide at 77 K < T
< 122 K, x-axis:
C, y-axis: A/B, () determined from Px
data, (---)
correlation of A/B values determined from the Px data, () determined from xy
data, (---)
correlation of A/B values determined from the xy data;
data are cited from ref. 4 in pages 199 – 204.
Figure 4-5.
Pxy relationships for the hydrogen + methane
binary at 144.26 K; x-axis: x1 and
y1, y-axis: P [bar], () experimental Px
data, (|)
correlated Px data with A=0.780, B=-2.5e7 and C=0.00011,
() experimental Py
data, (|) correlated Py data with A=0.316,
B=-15.8 and C=0.461; data are cited from ref. 4 in page 221.
Figure 4-6.
Relationships between X and A calculated for the hydrogen +
component 2 including nitrogen and methane at 77 K < T < 174 K, x-axis: X, y-axis:
A, ()
determined from Px data for the hydrogen + nitrogen binary, () determined from Px
data for the hydrogen + methane binary; data are cited from ref. 4 in pages 210
– 227.
Figure 4-7.
Relationships between C and A/B calculated for the
hydrogen + component 2 including nitrogen and methane at 77 K < T
< 174 K, x-axis:
X, y-axis: A/B, () determined from Px
data, (---)
correlation of A/B values determined from the Px data, () determined from xy
data, (---)
correlation of A/B values determined from the xy data;
data are cited from ref. 4 in pages 210 – 227.
Figure 4-8.
Pxy relationships for the carbon dioxide + propane binary at 277.59 K; x-axis: x1 and
y1, y-axis: P [bar], () experimental Px
data, (|)
correlated Px data with A=0.491 B=0.693 and C=0.708,
() experimental Py
data, (|) correlated Py data with A=0.367,
B=-5.79 and C=0.280; data are cited from ref. 4 in page 589.
Figure 4-9a. Relationships between X
and A calculated for the carbon dioxide + propane binary at 244. K < T
< 345 K, x-axis: X, y-axis:
A, ()
determined from Px data, (---) a power function correlating A values from Px
data, () determined
from xy data.
Figure 4-9b.
Relationships between X and B calculated for the carbon dioxide +
propane binary at 244. K < T < 345 K, x-axis: X, y-axis:
B, ()
determined from Px data, () determined from xy data.
Figure 4-9c.
Relationships between X and C calculated for the carbon dioxide +
propane binary at 244 K < T < 345 K, x-axis: X, y-axis:
C, ()
determined from Px data, () determined from xy data.
Figure 4-10.
Relationships between C and A/B calculated for the carbon
dioxide + propane including nitrogen and methane at 244 K < T <
345 K, x-axis: C,
y-axis: A/B, () determined from Px data, () determined from xy
data, (---)
correlation of A/B values determined from xy data; data
are cited from ref. 4 in page 589.
Figure 4-11.
Relationships between X and A calculated for the lower-boiling
point component 1 + component 2 binary, x-axis: X, y-axis:
A, ()
determined from Px data, data are cited from ref. 4; component 1
includes 25 substances excluding helium-4 and hydrogen.
Table 4-2. Binary systems used in Figure 4-11.
Data are cited from ref. 4.
1 |
2 |
N2 |
Ar,, CO2, methane to heptane, benzene |
CO |
to propane |
Ar |
methane |
Methane |
propylene, CO2, propane to heptane, benzene to m-xylene, |
m-cresol |
CF4 |
fluoroform |
C2H2 |
to heptane, acetylene, CO, CO2 |
CO2 |
nitrousoxide, difluoromethane, propylene, propane to decane,
dichlorofluoromethane, isobutene, 1-butene, 2-methylbutane, |
methylacetate, methanol, C6H6, C6H12, H2O, toluene, |
Ethane |
isobutene, diethylether, acetone, methylacetate, methanol, |
C6H12 |
Acetylene |
propylene |
Chlorotrifluoromethane |
dichlorodifluoromethane |
Carbonylsulfide |
propane |
Propylene |
1-butene, isobutene, 2-methylbutane, ethanol, C6H6 |
Chloropentafluoroethane |
chlorodifluoromethane |
Chlorodifluoromethane |
dichlorodifluoromethane |
NH3 |
H2O |
1-Butene |
butane |
1,3-butadiene |
butane |
Pentane |
C6H6 |
2,2-Dimethylbutane |
1-pentanol |
2,3-Dimethylbutane |
1-pentanol |
2-Methylpentane |
1-pentanol |
Methanol |
H2O |
Hexane |
isopropylalcohol, 1-pentanol |
Perfluorobenzene |
C6H6 |
C6H12 |
C6H6 |
C6H6 |
heptane |
Conclusion for Chapter 4
It is natural and convenient to use
hypothetical liquids and an approximation, Equation (4-2), because
high-pressure binary Px and xy VLE data can be satisfactorily
correlated using the three parameter Wohl equation and hypothetical liquids.
Nomenclature for Chapter 4
A, B, C Wohl parameters defined in Eqs. (4-3) and (4-4)
average relative deviation of P defined in Eq. (4-12)
h constant
defined in Eq. (4-11)
OFP objective
function defined in Eq. (4-7)
OFy objective
function defined in Eq. (4-10)
n number
of data points
P system
Pa reference
PCi critical
pressure of component i
Pk,exp k th experimental total pressure data
pis vapor
pressure of component i
R gas
T system
TCi critical
temperature of component i
TC1 critical
temperature of component 1
TC2 critical
temperature of component 2
Tri reduces
temperature of component i
ViL partial
molar volume of component i
Vi0 molar
volume of pure liquid i at T
X critical
ratio defined in Eq. (4-13)
x1 liquid
phase mole fraction of component 1
x2 liquid
phase mole fraction of component 2
yi vapor
phase mole fraction of component i
y1 vapor
phase mole fraction of component 1
y1k,ezp k
th experimental vapor phase mole fraction of component 1
Ái activity
coefficient of component i in the liquid phase
Á2 activity
coefficient of component 2 in the liquid phase
Ái(Pa) acti vity
coefficient of component i in the liquid phase at P = Pa
Óis fugacity
coefficient of the saturated vapor I at pis
ÓiV vapor
phase fugacity coefficient of component I in the mixture at P
Ć1 parameter
defined in Eq. (4-5)
Ć2 parameter
defined in Eq. (4-6)
(P) reference
pressure at P
min minimization
Prausnitz J. M.,
Molecular Thermodynamics of Fluid-Phase Equilibria; Prentice-Hall: Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 1960.
2) J.
Gmehling, U. Onken, Vapor–Liquid Equilibrium Data Collection, DECHEMA
Chemistry Data Series, Vol. I, parts 1 to 8a, DECHEMA:
Frankfurt, 1977 – 2001, including Landolt Bornstein (1960, 1972, 1975) and
other data collections shown in part 1, pages XLIV and XLV.
3) J.M.
Sorensen, W. Arlt, Liquid–Liquid Equilibrium Data Collection, Binary
Systems, DECHEMA Chemistry Data Series, Vol. V, parts 1 to 4, DECHEMA:
Frankfurt, 1979, including data collections shown in part 1, page XX.
4) Knapp, H.; Doring, R.; Oellrich, L.;
Plocker, U.; Prausnitz, J. M. Vapor-Liquid Equilibria for Mixtures of Low
Boiling Substances. DECHEMA Chemistry Data Series, Vol. VI; DECHEMA: New York,
5) R.C.
Reid, J.M. Prausnitz, B.E. Poling, The Properties of Gases and Liquid 1987